Supplemental Gymnastics
7 Rounds NOT for time
5 Bar Muscle Ups
20′ Handstand Walk
5 Strict L-Pull ups
Power Snatch
8 x 1
Every :75 Seconds
Every Minute on The Minute x 7
Clusters (1 cluster is a squat clean and a shoulder to overhead touch and go)
Min 1: 7 Clusters
Min 2: 6 Clusters
Min 3: 5 Clusters
Min 4: 4 Clusters
Min 5: 3 Clusters
Min 6: 2 Clusters
Min 7: 1 Cluster
Workout of The Day
3 Rounds
10 Chest to Bar Pull ups
10 Front Squats 165/115 135/95 115/85
10 Burpee Box Jumps