Supplemental Strength/Power 5 x 2 Overhead Squats @ 85 – 90% of 1 Rep Max 7 x 1 Snatch Balance @ 90 – 105% of 1 RM Snatch 7 x 1 Clean and Jerk @ 20 to 30 Pounds under 1 Rep Max
Gymnastics Strength
5 Rounds NOT For Time
5 – 4 Point L Hangs
5 Low Back Extensions
5 Strict Handstand Push Ups
Power Development
Split Jerk or (Push Press/Jerk)
9 x 2 (4)
1 Bar or Ring Muscle Up or 1 Rope Climb
9 x 1
Every 2:00
Workout of The Day
5 Rounds
5 Wall Walks
11 Toes to Bar
5 Shoulder to Overhead
200 Meter Medicine Ball Run
Supplemental Endurance Row 750 Meters x 4 with :90 Seconds Rest Between Sets
Supplemental Strength/Power 10-8-6-4 Front Squats Ascending 4 x 2 Front Squats with 3 Second Pause at The Bottom @ 80% 4 x 1 ¼ Front Squats @85% 40 Alternating Pistols
Gymnastics Strength
5 Rounds
1 Skin The Cat or 5 Toes to Rings
1 Pull Over
1 Headstand Kip to Handstand Walk
Back Squat
9 x 7
Strict or Weighted Pull Ups
9 x 11
Every 4 Minutes
Workout of The Day
5 Rounds
20 Dumbell Walking Lunges 50/30 40/20 25/10
11 Pull Ups
20 GHD Sit Ups
Supplemental Endurance 3 Rounds 10 Deadlifts 185/125 400 Meter Run or 15 Minutes Stairmaster
Supplemental Power 6 x 1 Snatch Pull 6 x 1 Snatch 6 x 1 Snatch Deadlift
Power Clean
9 x 3
Ring Dips
9 x 9
Every 3 Minutes
Gymnastics Strength
:30 On :30 Off
3 Rounds
L Sit
Dynamic Plank
L Hang
Dynamic Plank
Workout of The Day
5 Rounds
9 Deadlifts 275/205 Level 2 225/155 Level 3 185/105
9 Box Jumps 24/20
9 Burpees
Supplemental Endurance 3 Rounds 15 Push Ups 15 Wall Balls 400 Meter Run
Gymnastics Strength
5 Rounds NOT for Time
- 10 Chin Ups
- 10 V Ups
- 10 Medicine Ball Russian Twists
Team WOD
- 400 Meter Partner Carry
- 1200 Meter Row (Switch Every 300 Meters)
- 200 Sit Ups
- 1200 Meter Row (Switch Every 300 Meters)
- 400 Meter Backwards Run
Supplemental Strength/Power 6 x 1 Military Press 6 x 2 Push Press 6 x 1 Push Jerk
- Overhead Squats
- 7 x 7
- Ring Rows
- 7 x 12
- Every 3:30 Seconds
Workout of The Day
2014 Regionals Event 4
- Strict Handstand Push Ups
- Front Squats 195/125 155/105 115/85
- Burpees
Supplemental Endurance 3 Rounds 40 Double Unders 400 Meter Run