I had the opportunity to run with the man in the video below in 2009 as I was preparing for The La Jolla Half Marathon. I PR’d that course 1:57 minutes at 225lbs and had major shoulder surgery on my right side the next day. It was a tough time for me personally and athletically. Pete and Paul were a big source of optimism and strength for me internally as they are now, I still love those guys very much. I watched this video for inspiration almost every day for months to get me fired up for my fitness goals. I hope that you can get something out of it like I did many times over. I will be running The La Jolla Half this weekend for the 6th time in my life and have made the goal make my own fitness level a very high priority again. I will not be the fastest or strongest out there but I will do my best to push past that 40% David Goggins speaks of in the video below.
– Coach Chris Keith
From Our Resident Health Nut Ashley Lane
I started at 619 almost a year and 9 months ago because I was tired of the doing the same boring routine at 24 Hour Fitness; treadmill, stairmaster, elliptical, repeat. I wasn’t seeing any results and it was extremely difficult to stay motivated. 619 San Diego Personal Training has completely transformed my life. With the guidance of the coaches and the change in my diet, I am now in the best of shape of my life. We all endure the WODs together, but I wanted to share my diet with everyone and I hope it helps my teammates.
My typical day looks like this:
4:30am – Green Juice (Black Kale, Green Kale, Collard Greens, Green Leaf Lettuce, Curly Parsley, Green Chard, Dandelion Greens and an Apple)
6:30am – Protein Shake, Oatmeal, or Eggs and Broccoli
9:30am – Can of Tuna
12:30pm – Protein Shake and a banana
3:30pm – Apple or Orange
8:00pm – Protein, Vegetables and Green Drink
Health Benefits of Tuna by Ashley Lane
B vitamins in tuna maintain and build red blood cells while increasing energy levels, which is essential to push through the most brutal workouts that we do at 619.
Vitamin D regulates blood pressure and helps to build strong bones. Vitamin D also reduces stress and tension and relieves body aches and pains by reducing muscle spasms.
Lean protein is critical to building lean muscle mass and providing the body with energy. Eating protein-rich foods like canned tuna can help with satiety and slow down digestion that will keep you fuller longer and leave you less likely to eat more calories during your next meal.
Omega-3 fatty acids have many heart health benefits and can also increase energy levels. Omegs-3s contribute to healthy brain development, improve circulation and reduce inflammation that occurs from WODs and competition.
Selenium is a powerful antioxidant found in tuna. It can help strengthen the immune system and prevents colds and flu that result when heavy training impairs the immune system. It will also help to protect healthy cells from the free radicals created from exercise.
Low in fat and calories, tuna is a perfect substitute for meats and dairy products that are higher in saturated fats and trans fatty acids.
Power Snatch
10 x 2
Rope Climb or 5 Strict Pull Ups
10 x 1
Every 2 Minutes
WOD #1
5 Rounds
9 Overhead Squats 135/95 Level 2 115/75 Level 3 95/65
9 Toes To Bar
WOD #2
619 San Diego Personal Training Benchmark WOD “Fran”
Thrusters 95/65 Level 2 75/55 Level 3 45/35
Pull Ups