Extra Credit, Homework, Cash Out, Finisher……translates to: “Doing a little something extra after class”. We love to see our clients working on their goats (stuff they need to work on).
There are a few things to take into consideration when you decide to do extra stuff after class. Please don’t go ruin yourself with another 10min lung burner if you just did a 10min amrap, or going for a max back squat when you just spent the whole class doing front squats; Stick to something that you know needs work and isn’t going to have feeling ruined the next day; Like your handstand or L-Sit. In fact, everyday is a good day to practice your gymnastics movements. If you are too tired after class, try getting it in before class. Or, if you missed out on all the lifts for the week, if there is room, ask your coach if you can catch up on the press or squat day. If not, head in to the Open gym and catch up then.
Keep in mind; most of you probably won’t need to do additional work if your goal is to live a healthy, long life. You get everything you need by coming to class. BUT, if your goal is master that pullup, walk the length of the gym on your hands or out squat Coach Ck, then we would love to see you achieve it. Your coaches have all sorts of tricks up their sleeves; so don’t be afraid to ask them for the best way how!
Getting Cramps or Bonking out early? Try the stuff pictured below
Hang Snatch
5 x 2
Every Minute on The Minute
Power Snatch
8 x 2
Every Minute on The Minute
5 Rounds
6 Shoulder to Overhead 155/125 135/95 115/75
9 Squat Cleans
12 Lateral Burpees
200 Meter Run
Barbell Row
5 x 8
GHD Sit Ups
5 x 12
Every 2 Minutes
Pendlay Row
5 x 8
GHD Sit Ups
5 x 12
4 Rounds
9 Handstand Push Ups
12 Thrusters 95/65 Level 2 75/55 Level 3 45/35
15 Pull Ups
X. 15 Minutes Stair master
Y. 1 Mile Jog
Z. Hip Mobility
1. Back Squat 6 x 2
2. Max Rep Dips
3. Max Distance Handstand Walk
Hang Clean and Jerk
5 x 2
Every Minute on The Minute
Clean and Jerk
8 x 2
Every Minute on the Minute
3 Rounds
25 Double Unders
20 Wall Balls
15 Toes to Bar
400 Meter Run
Ring Muscle Ups
8 x 2 Reps
Every Minute on The Minute
3 Rounds
9 Dips
15 Pull Ups
21 GHD Sit Ups
400 Meter Run
2000 Meter Row
X. Hip Mobility
Y. Shoulder Mobility
Z. Ankle Mobility
1. Front Squat 6 x 1
2. Thruster 6 x 1
3. Hang Clean 6 x 2
Back Squat
6 x 5 (8)
Toes to Bar
6 x 10
Every 3 Minutes
Deadlifts 225/155 Level 2 185/135 Level 3 135/95
Burpees over the Bar
2K Row