190# snatch pr for Swimmer Dan

A video posted by 619 San Diego Personal Training (@619 San Diego Personal Training) on


Supplemental Power 8 x 1 Hang Snatch
8 x 1 Snatch Balance or Snatch from The Blocks
8 x 1 Snatch


Overhead Squats
6 x 4 (7) with 2-4 Second Pause in The Bottom Position

Team WOD
200 Meter Partner Carry
100 Burpee Box Jump Overs
80 Kettlebell Power Swings 1.5/1.0
60 Partner Wall Balls 20/14
400 Meter Backwards Run
60 Crossovers
80 Double Unders
100 Calorie Row
200 Meter Farmers Carry 2 x 45#   

275# x 2 split jerk + 1 ring muscle up

A video posted by 619 San Diego Personal Training (@619 San Diego Personal Training) on


Supplemental Power
6 x 2 Push Press
6 x 1 Push Jerk
9 x 1 Cleans


Split Jerk
10 x 2
Every 2 Minutes

Workout of The Day
“Power Cindy”
10 Rounds
1 Clean and Jerk 205/155 205/125 185/95
5 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats