Introducing 1.2.3. and X.Y.Z.

Most Advanced and Elite Level Athletes are spending between 1.5 and 2 hours at the gym per workout. The more time being spent addressing goats, mobility, volume, and rest intervals between power and strength sets. 4 to 7 minutes working best for strength increase. At 619 we try to get a lot done within a 60 minute class time. Every minute on the minute and skill work are a common place in our learning environment. With our gym growing at such a rapid pace I feel that it is necessary to start addressing our intermediate athletes needs for going to the next level. Not that the way we been doing it isn’t good, it’s just we want to be better. Please come early for 1.2.3. and stay late for X.Y.Z. if 2014 Regionals or going to the next level is your goal.

In Health,

Coach Chris


1. Indian Club Shoulder Mobility and Gorilla Complex Mobility

2. 1 Set Max Unbroken Pull Ups

3. 1 Set Max Unbroken Handstand Push Ups

Power Development

15 Minutes to Find your 1 Rep Max Power or Squat Snatch or 5 x 7 Overhead Squats for our beginner level Athletes

Workout of the Day

Hulk Hogan
Every 2 minutes for 20 minutes:
3 Ring or Bar Muscle Ups
5 Power Cleans Level 1 185/135 Level 2 155/115 Level 3 135/95
7 Burpees

If you have not yet landed your first muscle up you can sub out 3 strict pull ups and 3 dips every 2 minutes

X. 3 X 20 GHD Sit Ups

Y. 3 x 25 Low Back Extensions on The GHD

Z. Baby Flight Simulator – Double Unders


1. 3 x 12 Medicine Ball Pistols L/R 20/14#

2. 5 x 5 Bench Press

3. 3 x 3 Push Press


5 X 5 (7,9) Back Squat


Reuben Sandwich
25 Thrusters 95/65#
25 Toes to Bar
25 Box Jumps 24/20″
25 Toes to Bar
25 Thrusters 95/65#

X. 3 x 3 Halting Snatch Deadlift

Y. 3 x 8 Romanian Deadlift

Z. 50 yard Handstand Walk


1. 2 x 20 Alternating Dumbell Snatch 80/50# Rest as needed between sets

2. Max Rep American Kettlebell Swings 2.0/1.5

3. 5 x 5 Weighted Pull Ups

Power Development

20 Minutes to Find your 1 Rep Max Power or Power Clean

Workout of the Day

3 Rounds
Row 500 Meters
Runs 400 Meters
Rest 3 Minutes

X. 100 Double Unders

Y. Foam Roller for The Lower Extremity

Z. 30 Single Leg Get Up – Get Downs on the BOSU Ball Alternating L/R


1. 5 x 5 Weighted Dips

2. Max Rep Chest to Bar Pull Ups

3. 1 Rep Max Dumbell Clean and Jerk

Heartbreak Kid
3 Rounds
10 Front Squats Level 1 185/135# Level 2 155/115 Level 3 135/95
20 C2B Pull Ups
50 Double Unders

X. 50 Push Ups and 50 Sit Ups

Y. Max Unbroken American Kettlebell Swings 2.0/1.5

Z. 4 x 20 Second Paralette L-Sit Rest as needed between sets


1. “I’S, Y’S, and T’s” 3 x 10 of Each Rest 1 Minute between sets

2. 5 x 10 Rear Delt Flys

3. Max Rep Deficit Handstand Push Ups

Handstand Push Up and Power Clean Skillwork

“Prairie Fire”
12-10-8-6-4-2 Handstand Push Up
2-4-6-8-10-12 Power Cleans Level 1 185/135 Level 2 155/115 Level 3 135/95

X. Lacrosse ball mobility

Y. Myo Fascia Release on The Foam Roller

Z. Band Mobility