By A’verria Martin, Ph.D.
Welcome back to the Eating for Success Series! Each week we highlight one of the nutrient dense foods that can be found in the Chris Keith, Phase II: Maintenance Plan food list.
For the next few weeks we are going to remain focused on lean proteins. Lean proteins are essential to a healthy diet and any muscle gain and/or weight loss program. Proteins are the body’s building blocks and support healthy bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood. Post-workout, muscles are rebuilt and repaired by the proteins you consume. Lean proteins aid weight loss because they provide a feeling of fullness or satiety which can greatly reduces overeating, reducing your daily calories.
Salmon is a nutrient dense lean protein that provides a bounty of health benefits. The protein found in salmon is easily digested and absorbed, speeding up your metabolism and lowering your blood sugar levels. Salmon is best known for its high levels of Omega-3 fatty acids, which help lower cholesterol, improve your memory and general cognition, prevent macular degeneration, decrease your risk of having a stroke, and gives you shiny hair, bright eyes, and healthy skin. In addition, Salmon is a great source of Vitamins A, B, and D, as well as the minerals calcium, iron, phosphorus and selenium.
We highly suggest wild salmon over factory farmed salmon. Unfortunately, 80%-90% of the Salmon on the market today comes from salmon farms. Farmed salmon are confined – with thousands of other salmon – and fed formulated protein pellets. These salmon become fattier – not with “good” fat – and come with additional unhealthy additives such as dioxin, fire retardants, pesticides, disease and antibiotics. To illustrate one of the nutritional differences, wild Atlantic salmon has 27% Omega-3 fatty acids versus 17% in farmed Atlantic salmon. So instead of consuming farmed salmon, consider purchasing wild salmon from local fish markets or online Salmon Co-Op’s such as Kwee-Jack Fish Company –
Health Baked Salmon and Spinach
• 6 ounce salmon fillet
• Cayenne pepper
• Ground black pepper
• Pinch of garlic powder
• 2 tablespoons of olive oil, divided
• 1 lemon
• 2 cloves minced garlic
• 1 bag baby spinach
• Fresh basil
Salmon: Preheat oven to 375 degrees, place fillet(s) on cookie sheet sprayed with olive oil cooking spray, poke tiny holes with a fork in center and end, sprinkle cayenne, pepper, and garlic powder on fillet, brush 1 Tbsp of olive oil and juice of ½ a lemon on fillet, cut a few slices off remaining half and place on top, bake 12-15 minutes or until salmon flakes easily.
Spinach: While salmon is baking, place 1 Tbsp of olive oil and garlic in large sauté pan, add spinach and sauté for 2 minutes, add juice from remaining lemon and sauté until spinach is slightly welted.
When salmon is finished baking, use a spatula to separate the skin from the bottom of the fish and place on top of the spinach on plate, garnish with fresh basil.
Grilled Salmon with Mustard and Herbs
• 2 lemons, thinly sliced, plus 1 lemon cut into wedges for garnish
• 20-30 sprigs mixed fresh herbs, plus 2 tablespoons chopped, divided
• 1 clove garlic
• 1/4 teaspoon salt
• 1 tablespoon Dijon mustard
• 1 pound center-cut salmon, skinned
Skining a salmon fillet: Place skin-side down. Starting at the tail end, slip a long knife between the fish flesh and the skin, holding down firmly with your other hand. Gently push the blade along at a 30° angle, separating the fillet from the skin without cutting through either.
Preheat grill to medium-high. Lay two 9-inch pieces of heavy-duty foil on top of each other and place on a baking sheet. Arrange lemon slices in two layers in the center of the foil. Spread herb sprigs over the lemons. With the side of a chef’s knife, mash garlic with salt to form a paste. Transfer to a small dish and stir in mustard and the remaining 2 tablespoons chopped herbs. Spread the mixture over both sides of the salmon. Place the salmon on the herb sprigs.
Slide the foil and salmon off the baking sheet onto the grill without disturbing the salmon-lemon stack. Cover the grill; cook until the salmon is opaque in the center, 18 to 24 minutes. Cut the salmon into 4 portions and serve with lemon wedges (discard herb sprigs and lemon slices).
Power Snatch + Overhead Squat
3 x 2 + 6 30 Second Rest Interval @ 60 to 65% of 1RM
3 x 2 + 6 1 Minute Rest Interval @ 65 to 75% of 1RM
3 x 1 + 3 90 Second Rest Interval @ 80 to 85% of 1RM
Squat Snatch Super Set with 15 Double Unders
2 x 1 1 Minute Rest Interval
3 x 1 90 Second Rest Interval
3 X 1 2 Minute Rest Interval
Clean Complex
3 Rounds with 2 Minute Rest Intervals @ 75 to 90% of 1RM Super Set with 10 Handstand Push Ups or 5 Wall Walks
1 Clean Deadlift
1 Hang Clean Pull
1 Hang Clean
1 Clean
2 Split Jerk
2 Front Squats
Fight Gone Bad 619 San Diego Personal Training WOD
3 or 5 Rounds Depending on Your Fitness Level and Class Time
In this workout you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five-minute round from which a one-minute break is allowed before repeating. We’ve used this in 3 and 5 round versions. The stations are:
. Wallball Shots: 20 pound ball, 10 ft target. (Reps)
. Sumo Deadlift High-Pull: 75 pounds (Reps)
. Box Jump: 20″ box (Reps)
. Push Press: 75 pounds (Reps)
. Row: calories (Calories)
The clock does not reset or stop between exercises. On call of “rotate,” the athlete/s must move to next station immediately for good score. One point is given for each rep, except on the rower where each calorie is one point.
6 Minute AMRAP
10 Overhead Squats 95/65 Level 2 75/55 Level 3 45/35
15 Kettlebell Swings 2.0/1.5 Level 2,3 1.5/1.25
Back Squat Find your 1 Rep Max
2 Minute Rest Intervals for the 1st 3 Sets and Super Set with Single Arm Row 6 to 10 Reps
5 @ 65% of 1RM
5 @ 75% of 1RM
3 @ 85% of 1RM
3 Minute Rest Intervals for the 2nd 3 Sets and Superset with 15 Strict Pull Ups
3 @ 87.5% of 1RM
2 @ 92.5% of 1RM
1 @ 1RM
4 Minute Rest Interval for Last 2 Sets
1 @ 101% of 1RM
1 @ 102% of 1RM
619 San Diego Personal Training Hero WOD “Jorge”
For time:
30 GHD sit-ups
155 pound Squat clean, 15 reps
24 GHD sit-ups
155 pound Squat clean, 12 reps
18 GHD sit-ups
155 pound Squat clean, 9 reps
12 GHD sit-ups
155 pound Squat clean, 6 reps
6 GHD sit-ups
155 pound Squat clean, 3 reps
3 Rounds
500 Meter Row
50 Sit Ups
200 Meter Run
3 x 30 to 60 Seconds L Sit 2 Minute Rest Intervals with Hip Flexor and Abdominal Stretches
3 x 10 4 Point L Hangs 2 Minute Rest Intervals with Hip Flexor and Abdominal Stretches
619 San Diego Personal Training 619 WOD 1
Parallette HSPU Level 2,3 HSPU or Wall Walks
1 Armed Kettlebell Snatch (Complete Rx Reps on each arm)
WOD 2,3
8 Minute Every Minute on the Minute (EMOM) Increase Weight Every Set (Climbing) 50 to 90% of 1RM
8 x 1 Squat Snatch Level 2,3 Power Snatch
8 Minute Every Minute on the Minute (EMOM) Increase Weight Every Set (Climbing) 50 to 90% of 1RM
8 X 2 Power Clean Level 2,3 + 2 Front Squat
619 San Diego Personal Training 619 WOD
Pull Ups
Wall Balls
1 Mile Run
12 x 1 Push Jerk + 1 Split Jerk 90 Second Rest Intervals
Bench Press
5 x 3 Level 2,3 5 Reps
50 Double-Unders
5 Front Squats @ 80% of 1-RM
40 Double-Unders
4 Front Squats
30 Double-Unders
3 Front Squats
20 Double-Unders
2 Front Squats
10 Double-Unders
1 Front Squats
Rest 5 Minutes
3 Rounds
500 Meter Row
50 Sit Ups
200 Meter Run
Find your 1 Rep Max
6 x 1 Clean and Jerk 12 Minute Every 2 Minutes on the 2 Minutes
Clean and Jerk 205/135
Toes 2 Bar
Hand Release Push Ups
3 Rounds for Time
3 Bar or Ring Muscle-Ups or 6 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
6 Dumbell Manmaker 50/30#
9 GHD Sit-up
400 Meter Run