In San Diego The San Dieguito Half is Southern California’s most beautiful and challenging half marathon by far. Kathy Loper is the most seasoned race director I know and runs the most top notch races I have ever run. I had the pleasure of running this with Max who is by far one of the most strong and powerful athletes to walk into 619’s morning program. At 235# half marathon’s are not easy and he met his goal and finished in just over 2 hours. His wife Nicole who is 6 months pregnant came out to support us and is really great person too. Watching my clients meet their goals is very fulfilling to me. This was definitely a great highlight of my career. Thank you Max.

Monday at 619 San Diego Personal Training 619 in San Diego

Split Jerk Skill Work

Power 8 x 1 Clean and Jerk


5 Rounds for Time

3 Power Cleans
6 Sumo Deadlifts
9 Ring Dips
400 Meter Run


Handstand and Muscle Up Skillwork


8 x 3 Back Squats


For Time:

4 Rounds for Time

400 Meter Run
10 Handstand Push Ups
10 Toes to Bar
200 Meter Row

Please read the following prior to the workout.

Try Individual Workout 1 from The 2011 Regionals

General Rules:
Athletes will begin with a 1K run, then complete 30 handstand pushups against their designated wall, and then finish with a 1K row. Any forward movement prior to the start constitutes a false start. The athlete’s result will be total time to complete this chipper. There is a 15min time cap. If the workout is not finished within the 15min, a 1sec penalty is added to the 15min for each meter and each handstand pushup not completed. If an athlete cannot complete a single handstand pushup, they receive a DNF and are eliminated from the competition.

Handstand push-ups:
Two competition 45lb plates will be placed on the ground next to the wall with an abmat in between. The start and finish positions of each rep are identical, with the hands flat and completely on the plates, the arms locked out, body straight and only the feet touching the wall. The feet must be inside the hands, meaning the width of the feet must be less than the width of the hands. The fingers cannot wrap off the edge of the plate, nor can they descend into the hole of the plate. From the starting position, the arms bend until the head touches the abmat. The athlete presses back up until the start finish position is achieved. The feet do not have to remain on the wall for the movement, though they must be on the wall to complete the rep. The legs can bend together but not one at a time. Kipping is allowed. If the legs are bent, no upward progress can be made while the feet are touching the wall (meaning no climbing up the wall with your legs). If your legs are straight, your feet can slide up the wall.

Any damper setting is allowed. You must remain in the seat and holding the paddle until the entire distance is complete. You must enter, exit and adjust the machine on your own with no assistance.

Wednesday at 619 San Diego Personal Training 619

Muscle Up and Thruster Skillwork


We will be doing The Individual Workout 2 from The 2011 Regionals

Thruster Ladder

General Rules:
Athletes will have 20 seconds to take the first barbell from the ground and then perform one thruster at a specified weight. They will then have 10 seconds to transition to the next barbell where the same requirements apply. They may make only one thruster attempt in any 20 second period. An attempt is defined by the barbell leaving the shoulders after the squat. If an athlete drops the barbell before an attempt is made, he or she may make take the barbell from the floor again. There will be 15 barbells. Athletes continue so long as they successfully perform the rep within the 20 seconds. Their result is the weight of their heaviest successful thruster. If an athlete is not able to complete a successful thruster with the first barbell, they receive a DNF and are eliminated from the competition.

The barbell starts on the ground, and the athlete must elevate it into the rack position. There is no requirement to stand up fully before beginning the thruster, nor is standing up prohibited. The thruster begins when the athlete squats below parallel with the barbell racked on the shoulders (or at least below the chin). Then, in a single movement the athlete drives the barbell up out of the squat and overhead. The finishing position has the knees, hips and arms fully extended with the barbell stable over the heels. Once the athlete hits the bottom of the squat, there can be no rebend of the knees and/or hips, and the feet must remain stationary. The bar can stop near the top and be pressed out if necessary, but any descent of the barbell (after upward movement in the thruster has begun) constitutes a no-lift. Any stepping, splitting, repositioning of the feet, rebending the hips or knees or jerking all constitute a no-lift. Going up on the toes is permitted as long as the feet remain stationary. The athlete must wait for the judge’s signal to drop the weight.

Women Weights (lbs): 105, 115, 125, 130, 135, 140, 145, 150, 155, 160, 165, 170, 175, 180, 185
Men Weights (lbs): 155, 165, 175, 185, 195, 205, 215, 225, 235, 245, 255, 265, 275, 285, 295

If multiple men or women finish the entire ladder, there will be a tiebreaker. When the entire thruster event has ended, these athletes will be given six more bars (305, 315, 325, 335, 345, 355lbs for men, and 190, 195, 200, 205, 210, 215lbs for women) to differentiate themselves.

Thursday at 619 San Diego Personal Training 619

Muscle Up Skillwork

Individual Workout 3 from The 2011 619 San Diego Personal Training Regionals
21-15-9 reps for time of:
Deadlift (315/205lbs)
Box jump (30”/24”)

General rules:
Athletes will perform 21 deadlifts then 21 box jumps, then 15 deadlifts and 15 box jumps, then 9 deadlifts and 9 box jumps. Athletes begin behind the line. At Go, athletes move to the barbell and begin their deadlifts. Their result is the time to complete the entire workout. There is a 12min time cap. If an athlete cannot finish in the time cap, their score is the time cap plus a one second penalty for each rep not completed.

The barbell begins on the ground and must touch the ground between each rep. The athlete’s knees and hips must be extended at the top, with the shoulders behind the bar. The athletes hands must be outside their knees. Any grip is permitted. Dropping the barbell is permitted but not required. Chalk and any injury prevention/protection such as tape are permitted. Sticky substances, wraps, or anything used for advantage are prohibited. Belts are permitted.

Box Jump:
Athletes must jump from the ground onto the box with two feet. They must reach full extension ON THE BOX. Reaching full extension only in the air is not permitted. In other words, the athlete’s knees and hips must be fully extended while both feet are on the box (the entire foot on the box is recommended but not required). Both jumping and stepping down are permitted.

AJ Evans will be going over an extensive amount of Mobility Work on Thursday evenings workout.