Kipping Handstand Pushup Skillwork
Push Press/Push Jerk Skillwork
619 San Diego Personal Training 619 WOD
15 Shoulder to Overhead 155/95 (Level 2 135/75 Level 3 95/55)
15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups (Level 2,3 Chin Over Bar Pull Ups)
200 Meter Backwards Run
12 Shoulder to Overhead
12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
200 Meter Backwards Run
9 Shoulder to Overhead
9 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
9 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 95/65 (Level 2,3 75/55)
200 Meter Backwards Run
12 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
12 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
200 Meter Backwards Run
15 Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
15 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
WOD #2 500 Meter Row
Mobility Shoulders/Lats
8 x 3 Back Squats with 3 to 4 Minute Rest Intervals (10 Toes to Rings/10 GHD Sit Ups)
Level 2,3
8 x 6 Back Squats with 3 to 4 Minute Rest Intervals (10 Toes to Rings/10 Slant board Sit Ups)
619 San Diego Personal Training 619 WOD
15 Front Squats 185/135 (Level 2 155/115 Level 3 135/95)
75 Double Unders
10 Front Squats
50 Double Unders
5 Front Squats
25 Double Unders
WOD #2 2 x 500 Meter Row 3 Minute Rest
Mobility Calf/IT Band
8 x 3 Bench Press with 3 to 4 Minute Rest Intervals (10 Air Squats/5 Chin Ups)
Level 2,3
8 x 6 Bench Press with 3 to 4 Minute Rest Intervals (10 Air Squats/5 Chin Ups)
619 San Diego Personal Training 619 WOD
Handstand Push Ups (Level 2,3 Wall Walks)
Power Cleans 185/135 (Level 2 155/115 Level 3 135/95)
WOD #3 3 X 500 Meter Row
Turkish Get Up Skillwork then
5-4-3-2-1 on Each Side
8 x 2 Front Squat 3 Minute Rest Intervals (5 Push Ups/10 Toes to Bar)
Level 2,3
8 x 5 Back Squat with 3 Minute Rest Intervals (5 Push Ups/5 Toes to Bar)
5 Rounds for Time
10 Pull Ups
10 Med Ball Cleans
10 Burpee Wall Balls
200 Meter Medicine Ball Run
WOD #2 2000 Meter Row
Split Jerk Skillwork