Benchmark Endurance WOD for 619 San Diego Personal Training
200 Meter Run
3 Minute Rest (Roll out quads, calves, hams, and IT Bands)
400 Meter Run
3 Minute Rest (Roll out quads, calves, hams, and IT Bands)
500 Meter Row
3 Minute Rest (Roll out quads, calves, hams, and IT Bands)
800 Meter Run
3 Minute Rest (Roll out quads, calves, hams, and IT Bands)
2000 Meter Row
3 Minute Rest (Roll out quads, calves, hams, and IT Bands)
5OOO Meter Run
15 Minutes Foam Roller (Roll out quads, calves, hams, and IT Bands)
Thirsty Thursday in San Diego!! Coming off Wednesday’s gut busting workout I knew that most of you would be incredibly sore. Muhahahahaha : ) It was the first time in 619 San Diego Personal Training’s history that the evening group showed up the morning crew. What’s that all about? I don’t know but it was a nice change. We got 3 new evening members and James, Jodi and Ashley seem like real go getters. I’m honored and really excited to help them achieve their fitness goals and look their best for Summer here in San Diego.