619 is very fortunate to open the doors to many great athletes! We strive to succeed in our training, motivation and drive here with everyone. We set our standards high and hope to show our athletes what they are made of and prove to them great new heights they can achieve. We have been honored to have NCAA Athlete Jhazmine Lynch here for the summer months and are deeply saddened to see her go. She has been a huge asset here proving her weight lifting skills and endurance training, her inspiration and kind heart has really made an impression with us all at 619. As she heads back to school in Syracuse NY, she now has a piece of 619 to take with her. We wish her the best of luck and great success.
Gymnastics Skillwork
619 San Diego Personal Training 619 WOD “Marky Mark”
5 Rounds for Time
5 Handstand Push Ups
10 Dumbell Snatches 100/70#
15 Pull Ups
200 Meter Run